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Delivery Information

How long does shipping take?

Our goal is to get your items to you quickly. We use different shipping companies, depending on the size of your item, your location, and the seller.

If you’ve already placed an order, follow these easy steps and track your order.
My tracking information hasn’t been updated. Can you tell me when to expect my delivery?

Tracking and delivery information is provided by our shipping carrier and our customer experience team has access to the same tracking information that you do.

If your tracking information is taking a while to update, know this is normal. Simply check back later for the most accurate delivery information.
Are you still delivering large items?

Yes, we’re still delivering large items. Our in-home delivery services are once again available for much of Canada. If you would like your item delivered in-home, you’ll have to answer a few simple screening questions when our agent arrives at your residence. If your answers meet our safety standards, our agent can proceed with in-home delivery. If your answers do not meet our safety standards, we can still deliver your item to your doorstep.

Our delivery partners are ensuring that additional safety measures are in place during this time. For more information, please take a look at our shipping precautions for large item deliveries.
Large items

Deliveries are scheduled for large or heavy items like TVs (over 55"), appliances, mattresses, and fitness equipment. The scheduling method is based on the shipping address you enter during checkout.

    Major urban areas: you can schedule a preferred delivery date during the checkout process.
    Remote areas: once you’ve placed an order, a delivery carrier will call you within 7 days to schedule a delivery date. Please note, the delivery cost will vary based on your location.
    Need to reschedule? You can do it up to 2 days before your original scheduled delivery date.

Please note: A signature is required for all large item scheduled deliveries. Scheduled delivery items will not be left unattended.

Learn more about large item deliveries.
Marketplace orders

Every Marketplace seller has different shipping timelines. You can find seller shipping policies on the product page.

Release dates for products can sometimes change without notice or liability. If you’ve pre-ordered a product, we’ll ship it as soon as possible after its final release date, which may be different from the initial date advertised.
What if I missed my delivery?

For your safety and security, large items scheduled for delivery will not be left unattended.

If you missed a delivery which requires a signature, here’s what will happen:

1. You’ll receive a delivery notice card telling you where and when you can pick up your order. For some items, the carrier will contact you to set a delivery appointment or to confirm pickup of the order.

2. Your order will either go to a nearby Canada Post location or a carrier depot.

3. When you pick up your order, make sure you bring your order number and valid photo I.D.
Can I ship to a PO box?

Yes, via Canada Post. To make sure that orders being sent to PO boxes and rural route addresses get to their proper destination, please include a physical street address or highway number with your order. Items that are over 30kg will only be available for pick-up at the local courier pick-up depot.

Please note: oversized items, scheduled delivery items, and dangerous goods (such as pressurized CO2 canisters and batteries) require a civic address and cannot be shipped to P.O. boxes.
If my package gets lost, who do I contact?

You can contact our Customer Service team (call 1-866-237-8289) and if you're eligible, we will start a trace with the applicable carrier on your behalf.

Please note:

    Claims must be made no later than 90 days after your order was shipped.
    Canada Post will not open a claim on your behalf, the claim has to come from the Yody customer experience team.

Certain larger items (like furniture) that are purchased through a Yody Marketplace™ seller will require scheduled delivery. Here's how that process works:

COVID-19 Precautions and Delays:

Most Marketplace sellers are taking extra precautions at this time to ensure the health and safety of their staff and community. Please be aware that COVID-19 has caused an increase in shipping volume for Marketplace sellers, which could affect your delivery time.

Before You Order:

Check the seller's shipping policy for delivery details and restrictions. Some sellers are unable to deliver to remote areas or certain specific locations. To access the seller’s shipping policy, simply click on the link on the product page or the seller's page.

After You Order:

    After you've completed your purchase you'll receive an Order Received email to confirm your order.
    Once the seller has shipped the order to the chosen delivery service, you'll receive a Shipping Confirmation.
    When the local delivery company receives the order, they will contact you to schedule a delivery date and time, as well as provide all the details you need to prepare for the delivery.
    For more information about the delivery (including tracking, rescheduling, cancellation, and refunds) please contact the seller by finding your order and clicking "Contact Seller" on the Order Status page.


    The average delivery may take 4 to 6 weeks. Some deliveries might take up to 8 weeks.
    Ensure a person 18 years or older is available to accept your delivery during your scheduled time window.
    Before signing the driver’s waiver form, please inspect your new purchase.
    Clear the delivery path – including stairs, hallways, and walkways – of any obstacles. You may need to remove doors to create additional space through doorways.


    Products must be returned in their original purchase condition, with the original packing material, blank warranty cards, manuals and any other item or accessory provided by the Seller.
    Please disassemble the product if applicable (for example: bed frames).


    Recycling your old item(s) is not included with delivery. Contact the seller to find out if they offer any removal options.